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   Personal Development Skills

 4.65  (1395 reviews)                     

For some, speaking honestly and advocating for themselves is difficult, while others take assertiveness too far and cross the line into aggressive communication and confrontation. Assertiveness skills enable people to have confidence in dealing with others in the workplace as well as developing their life skills. Practical activities allow delegate to practice expressing their views, opinions and ideas and to listen to the views, opinions and ideas of others. Delegates will also learn to recognise differences and when not to be assertive.

      1 day         $660          Quote     1 day (group only)

Available Assertiveness and Self Confidence courses

Assertiveness skills enable people to have confidence in dealing with others in the workplace as well as developing their life skills. Practical activities allow delegate to practice expressing their views, opinions and ideas and to listen to the views, opinions and ideas of others.

Delegates will also learn to recognise differences and when not to be assertive.

Event Event Date Location Individual Price Register
Assertiveness Building Confidence and Assertiveness 19-03-2025 Live Online $660.00
Assertiveness Building Confidence and Assertiveness 13-05-2025 Live Online $660.00
