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Tailored Courses

Our suite of short courses can be customised and delivered in-house to meet your business challenges and personal and professional outcomes.

Benefits to the Employer

  • Flexible and affordable - focus your investment on training in areas that matter to your organisation.
  • Learning outcomes support your corporate strategy, workplace policies, continuous improvement or cultural change.
  • Participants apply learning directly through current projects with measurable returns on investment to employers.
  • You nominate day or evening courses
  • Workplace scheduling issues can be overcome
  • Shift workers can be accommodated
  • Courses are delivered over a timeframe that suits your business cycles.

Benefits to the Participant

  • Choose units that enable participants to address current issues in your organisation.
  • Select units that are more suitable for your personal development and targeted towards your work.
  • Omit areas where you have received previous training.
  • Assessments in the form of competency application questions and work-based projects - therefore you work on something in relevant to you.

The Process

  1. Discuss your requirements with our Business Consultants.
  2. Determine your desired outcomes.
  3. We will match a trainer/facilitator who will best suite your requirements or industry.
  4. We will tailor the course content for greatest impact so that you team can start implement the training immediately.

To get started with Tailored Training click here to contact us, or call 1300 2GO CTS to discuss your training requirements.