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Capitalise on the potential of your team and provide opportunities for development. Learn how coaching can be used as a performance management and support tool to increase the productivity of your team. 

 4.25  (255 reviews)                           $660
 Classroom:    1 day 
 Live Online:   2 x 3 hr sessions 

   Management Skills List

 4.25  (255 reviews)               

This course provides managers, supervisors, team leaders and professionals with an understanding of key models and skills to effectively coach others. It will enhance your people management skills through an understanding of workplace coaching. Use coaching to motivate people to acquire new skills and help them perform to their full potential while increasing personal responsibility and accountability

   1 day   2 x 3hr sessions       $660           Quote

Available Coaching Colleagues courses

Event Event Date Location Individual Price Register
Coaching Colleagues 25-03-2025 Live Online $660.00
Coaching Colleagues 30-04-2025 Live Online $660.00
Coaching Colleagues 26-05-2025 Live Online $660.00
Coaching Colleagues 18-06-2025 Live Online $660.00
