Add functionality to your database with VBA programming
Most professional Access applications have been developed with liberal use of VBA.
Even if you have no programming experience, you'll be automating routine processes using the VBA programming language. Clear, systematic tutorials walk VBA beginners through the basics, while intermediate and advanced content guides more experienced users toward efficient solutions.
Learn the fundamentals of Access VBA
Manage forms and reports using VBA
Control interactions between forms by passing data
Use recordsets within forms to locate specific records
Secure Forms and add buttons for uses to edit contents
Create dynamic dialog boxes and report lists
Course Overview
The course has been designed for the advanced user who needs to design and create automated applications in Microsoft Access.
Participants must have completed the Advanced Access course or have equivalent level knowledge of using Access.
Course Content
Writing Procedures
- Naming a Procedure
- Naming rules
- Event Procedures
- Guidelines For Entering Code
- Reviewing the Code
Objects, Properties & Methods
- Objects, Properties and Methods
- Collections and Objects
- Exclamation Marks, Dots & Brackets
- Properties
- Methods
Data Types, Variables & Operators
- Data Types and their uses
- Working with Variables
- Working with Constants
- Operators and expressions
- Message Boxes
- Button Arguments and Values
- Changing Format of Dates
- Getting User Input
- Joining Text and Numbers
- Performing Calculations
- Working With Large Messages
- Converting Data types
- Scope and Lifetime of a Variable
- Procedure, Module, Public level Variables
Decision Structures in VBA
- If then
- If then Else
- Select Case structure
- Using Vb constants
Working with Loops
- Do Until ...loop
- Do While ...loop
- For ...Next statement
- For Each statement
Working with Objects
- What is an object in VBA
- Properties of objects
- Objects of containers of other objects
- AccessObject Object
- Using an Object Variable
- Checking for Selected Items
- Dynamic Procedures
- Properties of Objects
- Storing the Name of An Object
- Object Variable -v- Variable
- Special Objects
- The Me Property
- Application Objects
- Searching for a Record
- SetFocus Method
- Going Back
- Changing the Record Order
- SQL Statements
- Reading & Writing SQL Statements
Data Access Objects
- Understanding DAO and ADO
- ADO Object Model
- Working with RecordSets
- Creating a RecordSet
- Close the RecordSet
- Finding Specific Records
- RecordSet Boundaries
- Moving through a RecordSet
- Filtering a RecordSet
- Editing Data in a RecordSet
- Adding a New Record
- Deleting Records
Working with other Applications
- Sending Emails from Access
- Setting a reference to Outlook
- Passing data from Access to Outlook
- Creating personalised emails with Access Data
- Creating an instance of Microsoft Word
- Merging Access data with Word.
- Creating personalised letters